Thursday, January 19, 2012

Papaya Leaf and Thrombocytopenia

Papaya Leaf for Low Platelets

Papaya leaf capsules or herbal preparation for ITP is still in question. The judgement is still out. But ...Papaya leaf for low platelets due to Dengue fever is Really effective. Have tried it a few times with Dengue sufferers who had very low platelets. And they responded promptly and were discharged from the hospital.

Now I used the fresh leaf juice. Don't know if the dry capsules would be as effective. But worth a try.

If your experience has been different please let me know. I am open to input. If you have used the capsule or extract version with certain level of success also let me know.

Til next time


Friday, December 23, 2011

ITP Blood Disorders and mycoplasma pneumoniae symptoms

Sorry forgot to post the title on the Previous post!

Merry Christmas!

Replace this with the title of your post

Hi everyone


It has been a long time since I have logged in. Been ocuppied in other issues and kind of let this blog to rest for a while. But I decided to come back and share with some more stuff. Oh before I forget MERRY CHRISTMAS. Well, there has been some new things in the field of low blood platelets symptoms.


There is a connection with mycoplasma infections and autoimmune diseases. It doesn't matter if the person never developed mycoplasma pneumoniae symptoms. They may still be infected with this germ and as a result develop low blood platelets symptoms.


I found this fascinating and decided that I would research this infection and see how it affects the body. Again I emphasize that it doesn't matter if you develop mycoplasma pneumonia symptoms, you still may have it. And this infection may be causing your body to develop antibodies against the blood's platelets and as a result develop low blood platelets symptoms.


So be on the look out. I'll be writing more about this in the future.

